Monday 6 January 2014

Evander Holyfield Controversial Anti-Gay Opinions Slammed

Former boxer Evander Holyfield has been involved in a series "gate" already, and it's only day three! The former world heavy weight boxing champion was asked by fellow chained contestant Luisa Zissman if he knew of any boxers who were not openly gay, to which Evander responded "It's not normal, and can be fixed" Holyfield went on to explain how being homosexual was the same as being handicapped. Following this interaction, Holyfield was called to the diary room in which he was reprimanded for his words, being reminded that not everyone shares the same opinion as himself, and that his opinions could lead to offending the viewing public.

BBP THOUGHTS: Although what Evander said can be deemed extremely offensive, I feel that he should be entitled to think and feel however he wishes towards certain groups within society, it is his personal beliefs which he is completely entitled too. It seems as though Big Brother has become too Political Correct into trying to avoid controversial subjects and housemates since the Jade Goody incident back in 2007.